Saturday, March 5, 2011


Proof Of Payment
SpeakAsiaOnline Pte. Ltd, Singapore (SAOL) ( is a unique web 2.0 company that empowers 23 lakh consumers (and still counting) to create and use their collective bargaining power to get unprecedented price advantages in goods and services procured through our portals. With 23 lakh strong panelists and promoted from an Indian origin, that seeks to remind the world, that the FUTURE of the 21st Century is ASIAN, with its epicenter in India.

SpeakAsia is a Consumer Empowerment & Precision Mass Marketing company. SpeakAsia acts as a connecting medium between the manufacturers and the consumers. The consumers opinion plays a major role in the success of any product (manufacturer). This is where SpeakAsia acts as a bridge between Consumers and Manufacturers.

Business Model

First is "precision marketing". In this the company engages in filtered/narrow casting of marketing and sales related services. These services to name a few are providing survey panels, Advertising, lead generating and also sales.

Second is to provide knowledge, information and training to its panelist, for their overall development in order to make them empowered consumers.

Working with Speak Asia is perfectly legal. Our online research panels for market research are legally accepted worldwide. And so is our referral program that rewards you for your extra efforts.

The process is as follows:

1. Subscription is Rs. 10000/- (which needs to be renewed every 52 weeks) This is for the ezine Articles subscription, which will be sent to you each week based on the Survey you get (52 weeks of subscription).
2. Registration is Rs. 1000/- (which is for one time only, just to join in that company)

3. Weekly (every Friday (for South Zone)) you will get 2 Surveys to complete. (It takes hardly 20 mins per Survey, so you will have to just spend about 4 hrs for the WHOLE MONTH and EARN 80 RP (Reward Points))
4. For each completed Survey you will get 10 RP. So weekly there will be 2 Surveys and you will earn 20 RP.

5. You will be investing Rs. 10000/- (52 weeks)
6. Your earnings will be 1040 RP (52 weeks)
7. Your Profit will be 840 RP (52 weeks).

8. For each person you introduce into this work/system, you will earn 20 RP.
9. The introduced person will be working on the Surveys anyways. From that you will get 15% share for each Survey they complete. Say, they complete 2 Surveys in a week, and they will get 20 RP (2 Surveys x 10 RP) for that week, and you will get 3 RP (2 x 1.5 RP) each week.
10. There is also another commission, which is PAIR MATCHING bonus. Suppose you have introduced 2 persons (even no), then it can be called as PAIR and for that you will earn 20 RP separately.
Like the picture below:
              /                 \
Person 1                    Person 2
20 RP           +          20 RP          +           20 RP (since this is a PAIR), so totally you will earn 60 RP for each such PAIR.

If you are interested, then let me know. I will explain it more in detail personally and then you can join.

NOTE: RP - Reward Points can be redeemed by Purchasing Products through the Website, Withdraw it to your local bank account, Generate Subscription Pins, etc., There are various options to use these EARNED RP. Each RP is equal to Rs. 50/-.

Dinesh Pradeep

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